Tuesday, May 22, 2012

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When in doubt... don't stop

I'm constantly having to tell myself that loosing weight isn't an overnight process. While I find that some of my clothes are a little looser and that I feel overall better, I still want this weight gone yesterday. 

I am proud to report that since in the last 2.5 months, I have lost 10lbs. While that doesn't sound like much, it's a pretty big deal to me. I've got 81lbs to go which seems like so much, but if I keep up the hard work, I'll be in the 100s by the end of the year and that will be an amazing feat for me. 

At some point I am going to need to purchase new clothes because the ones that I currently have just won't look right, but I'll try not to be too eager to cross that bridge. Slow and steady as they say. Slow and steady. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Slow and steady

I decided about this time last week that it was time to get serious and start doing some ab crunches. While in theory this was a great idea, the fact of the matter is, my body isn't ready for it. While I felt like it was a good idea, I had done 0 stretching and literally just threw myself into the fire. Lesson learned here; I have to stretch, before and after exercising. I really do. My body needs it. I'm just too large to expect my body to be ok with me just pushing myself to do workouts that I'm just not physical capable of doing yet. So with that said, I thought that a good fix, however long it would take, would be to do some yoga. Thank goodness I decided to do it.

Yoga is an amazing technique that allows me to stretch my muscles in ways I haven't in a long, long time. More importantly it's helped greatly with my back. Today I feel so good about my back that I'm ready to start getting back to my normal workouts or dancing or Zumba or whatever it is I feel like doing; remembering that stretching is key!

Also I am happy to report that I have lost about 3lbs in the last week and a half. It's not the miracle 7-10 I could loose on those short term diets, but I'm happy with it. I've got to look at my diet a little more closely though because I've been feeling overly tired and that's probably because I am not getting the nutrients that I need and that of course is key.

I am proud of myself overall. Lifestyle changes can be tough, but I'm in week 6 and I just need to keep going.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ribbon round my finger

Have you ever heard of wrapping a ribbon around your finger to remind you of something?

This is me wrapping up my finger in a whole role.

Friday, April 20, 2012

...and Break!

I can't begin to express how glad I am that I'm having a break today. I did 0 exercise, though worked hard to clean up storage space while at work. I broke a minor sweat, but it was better than nothing. Tomorrow I plan a morning exercise, then possibly an afternoon exercise. I'm also planning to walk around a mall. We'll see how that later part works out, but most importantly out to lunch to celebrate my friends birthday.

Was also nice to hear one of my friends compliment me. She said that I looked like I was loosing weight, just the encouragement that I needed. Overall a pretty great day!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It Fit's... A little better at least

So while my weight may not have gone down, I must be loosing inches even up until now. I can fit into a couple of jackets that I couldn't before. I also don't feel like I'm squeezing a 10lbs of potatoes into a 5lb bag when I put on certain things.

I took it easy today because my joints have ached like crazy and I feel awful for doing it, but I don't want to get to a point where I just can't exercise. I would rather do hard work without over doing it. So I did it for 40 mins sweat like a beast and gave it my all. Tomorrow I intend to do a 20 min workout then play with my kids on the Kinect which we'll probably do for a few hours and that will be the remainder of my workout for the night.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm complaing because I can't seem to shed any pounds whatsoever:
So I feel like I've been working like crazy to shed pounds; calorie counting, exercising, changing the way I eat (healthier) and yet, I dont feel as though I have lost a pound. Granted I have lost some, I lack confidence in my body that the fat will eventually melt away.
Now granted it's only been 4 weeks, I was hoping by now that I would have at least lost 5lbs, but either I have the worlds most devious scale, or I fluctuate like a crazy person. Does anyone have a recommendation on a scale? Is a digital scale better than a traditional scale?
...and I know everyone is different, but is there an average amount of time when you start to see results? I've read in some places, 4 weeks, in other places 6. My work out routine is pretty rigersous (for me). I spend a good hour working up a sweat and pushing my body like I have never pushed before. I know that I am still so very new to this and I know that it takes time, but I would like to see some sort of results of what I feel has been really hard work. I think my biggest problem right now (albeit, it's only day 2 of feeling like this); I am SO hungry. It's a little ridiculous.
Thanks to anyone who listens. I know that this is tough for everyone, I feel like I've hit a wall already and I just need to smash it down.